User Project Details


QCD thermodynamics with minimally doubled quarks


Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Theoretische Physik

Minimally doubled fermions, most prominently the Karsten-Wilczek action, is a lattice formulation of two quark flavors with unbroken U(1) chiral symmetry. Its flavor structure is superior to those of the staggered fermions, and, most importantly, there is no rooting of the light quarks. Though this action has already been present in the literature, it was practically un-used due to the tedious renormalization and tuning procedure of its parameters. Its use for thermodynamics is motivated by two facts: the definition of the baryo-chemical potential is ambiguous in the presence of a rooted quark, and, once properly tuned, the discretization provides an anisotropic lattice, that is a desirable but missing feature of main-stream staggered actions. The long term goal is to perform finite density simulations in a parameter range that would be inaccessible with staggered rooting. The goal for this project year is to present first thermodynamics results with improved mini