User Project Details


Bulk features of the quark gluon plasma at finite density


Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Theoretische Physik

Pressure, energy density, entropy density and baryon number are the basic bulk features of quark gluon plasma (QGP), the deconfined phase of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Knowledge of these quantities is a prerequisite for the successful interpretation of data from collision experiments, and for the assessment of various effective models of quark matter. In this project we calculate the QCD equation of state at zero and non-zero net baryon densities. In the first year of this project we introduced a novel expansion scheme that avoids the shortcomings of the standard Taylor series in the chemical potential \cite{Borsanyi:2021sxv}. This proof of principle result was published in Physics Review Letters. In the second year of this project we generalized this concept and calculated the expansion in the experimentally relevant strangeness neutral setting in a new preprint \cite{Borsanyi:2022qlh}.